Accessibility means possibility! AccessibleNYC proudly showcases some of New York City’s finest attractions, made accessible to people with disabilities.

Cookie Dō
Cookie Dō or cookie don’t? This popular new shop selling cookie dough is the latest NYC food fad, offering cups of raw cookie dough at overinflated prices. If you can handle waiting on line for between 1-4 hours and then negotiate a pair of small steps, Cookie Do. If not, cookie don’t, and make your […]
SeaGlass Carousel
Less than a week ago, the 16 million dollar SeaGlass Carousel opened in Battery Park, and though their website was devoid of any accessibility information, I made plans to go anyway. Without calling ahead. There was a time, back when I was a kid/young adult, when wheelchair accessibility could not be assumed. You either had […]
City Reliquary
City Reliquary’s entrance looks deceptively simple for a wheeler to access; usually a low lip at the threshold can be surmounted, though with a jarring bump. Unfortunately, getting in the door at City Reliquary is only the beginning of the access problems. The floors are uneven, the display space cramped, and to top it all […]
Marie’s Gourmet
With smooth, flat surfaces in the parking lot and an entrance flush with the patio outside, Marie’s Gourmet seems almost purpose-built for wheelchair-using patrons. Inside is a mix of booths and tables, the latter easy to fit under with a wheelchair and cheerfully moved around by the staff when reconfiguration is necessary. Photographs of the […]
Chelsea Baskets at Chelsea Markets
It’s Easter folks! I’m Buddhist, but the beloved toddlers in my life are being brought up Catholic, and I adore my nephews, so off to Manhattan looking for chocolate eggs laid by a rabbit to remember a carpenter who arose from the dead. Hey, I said I’m Buddhist. There is a store in my favorite shopping center — The […]